To enrich and improve the quality of life in our community.
Encourage positive change for generations to come.
For Good. For Ever. For Everyone.
Working with local individuals, groups and organizations, RCCF is committed to:
- Supporting its communities through the creation of permanent endowment funds
- Protecting, investing & administering donations made in support of our communities
- Demonstrating concern for the youth of our communities and the many issues affecting their future
- Recognizing the value and importance of our natural environment
- Improving and building the future for our families and our children’s families
Board & Staff
Executive Committee
Board of Trustees
Emeritus Board Members
John Wade
Thomas Moreau
RCCF’s Early History
In June, 1997, North Central Michigan Community Foundation (NCMCF) was established – with Roscommon County becoming part of a foundation that served Crawford, Iosco, Ogemaw and Oscoda counties as well as Roscommon County. The goal of this foundation was to positively impact the quality of life for all area citizens by promoting stewardship and leadership, by attracting and holding permanent endowment funds, and by awarding grants from the income of these funds. Over the next few years, Roscommon became the most active of the five counties and managed to establish 24 endowment funds. Roscommon County remained a part of the NCMCF for nearly five years.
The Roscommon County Community Foundation is Born!
In May, 2001, the Roscommon County Committee of NCMCF decided to initiate a drive to become an “independent community foundation”, allowing us to enhance our ability to grow our own funds and, thus, provide more support to the organizations of Roscommon County.
After receiving 501 (c) (3) status and the State of Michigan’s charitable solicitation license, Roscommon County Community Foundation (RCCF) became a reality in the Fall of 2001. The Roscommon County Committee, a group of eight people under NCMCF, expanded to 16 people and became the first RCCF Board of Trustees.
In November, 2001, the Board of Trustees of RCCF decided to establish an administrative “Independence Fund” for the new Foundation. At the same time, the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation of Midland awarded RCCF a $100,000 challenge grant. Under the terms of this challenge, RCCF was to receive one dollar for every dollar we raised for our administrative fund – up to $100,000, but we had to raise this money by December 31, 2002. Amazingly enough, and thanks to the generosity of 113 individuals, couples and foundations, RCCF met the terms of the challenge, raising $100,000. So, with a total of $200,000, RCCF now had enough in its administrative fund to operate independently.
Endowment Funds and Grants
Roscommon County Community Foundation currently has 86 Endowment Funds and 9 Special Project Funds. We are going strong and plan to be here for the years to come…
RCCF Founders
RCCF Founders are those whose significant gifts of $10,000 or more to the Foundation, and its predecessor, provided the capital needed to help create the endowments and support the services of the Roscommon County Community Foundation.
- Acheson Industries / John C. Morley
- Chase Bank (Formerly Known As Bank One)
- Don G. Castle Irrevocable Trust
- Council of Michigan Foundations
- Ms. Diane Delis
- Ted and Junia Doan
- Alden and Vada Dow Family Foundation
- Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation
- Gerrish – Higgins School District
- Rex and Arlene Gillen
- The Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation
- Houghton Lake Education Foundation
- Houghton Lake Rotary Club
- Mr. Henri P. Junod, Jr.
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Kirtland Community College Foundation
- Ken and Lloyd Mills
- The John C. and Sally S. Morley Family Foundation
- Morley Foundation
- Order of the Eastern Star
- Roscommon County Habitat for Humanity
- Roscommon Rotary Club
- Estate of Blaine Rutledge
- Marguerite Silsby
- Bob and Marie Thalner
- Eleanor Tucker
- John and Liz Wade
- Clayton and Harriet Williams
- Monte and Sally Yudelman