The Roscommon County Community Foundation recently provided a $757.40 grant to Lyon Township. The grant was awarded to purchase infant swings for the three parks located in Lyon Township. The Roscommon County Kellogg Youth Fund ($252.00) and the John Morley Family Endowment for Higgins Lake ($505.40), both endowment funds of RCCF, granted the funding assistance.
Two new infant swings were installed at each: Park 27, Sam-O- Set Park, and Phoenix Park. These swings replaced old, unsafe swings, chains, and hooks at the parks. To keep the swings in good condition for years to come, they will be taken down for the winter months.
Together we can do more. If you are inspired by this grant story, and would like to support our community by contributing to the Roscommon County Kellogg Youth Fund, the John Morley Family Endowment for Higgins Lake, or any other RCCF fund, please contact us at 989-275- 3112, by e-mail at