The Roscommon County Community Foundation (RCCF) recently presented a $1,588.00 grant to Houghton Lake Community Education (HLCE) to assist with the cost of a field trip to Lansing. The Houghton Lake Educational Foundation Fund ($1,012.00) and the Houghton Lake Community Schools Support Fund ($576.00) awarded the funds to support this grant.
Students from Houghton Lake Community Education had a fun and educational experience on their Lansing Field Trip. They began the day with a trip to the Broad Art Museum on the MSU campus. After lunch in the botanical garden and a treat from the MSU dairy store, students were given the opportunity to meet and speak with State Superintendent Brian Whiston. Four of the students, according to teacher, Theresa McMunigal, prepared statements detailing why alternative education has been the right fit for them to find success. Ms. McMunigal reports, “They did a great job. Quite often, our students do not feel represented in public education; exchanges such as this help them to feel valued and capable.”
Natasha Schieman, one of the field trip participants, says the trip was one of her best memories of the school year. “The field trip gave us students a chance to spend time together outside of school. Not only was it fun for us, but we got to learn a lot as well,” she says in a letter to RCCF.
Feeling inspired? Together we can do more. If you would like to support our community by contributing to the Houghton Lake Educational Foundation Fund, the Houghton Lake Community Schools Support Fund, or any other RCCF Fund, please contact us at 989-275-3112, by e-mail at