Roscommon County Community Foundation is pleased to announce that the Higgins Lake Foundation has been awarded a grant of $2,500.00 for the Greenbelt Program. Funding for the program was provided by The Robert R. Thalner Endowment Fund and the John Morley Family Endowment for Higgins Lake of the Roscommon County Community Foundation.
The grant provided the Higgins Lake Foundation with funding to educate local residents, visitors, landscapers, and Nurseries on shoreline vegetation buffer zones to preserve the natural beauty of Higgins Lake and reduce the amount of fertilizer being used.
The Higgins Lake Foundation hopes that the installation of Greenbelts will reduce nutrient run-off and unwanted vegetation and invasive species into the lake.
Want to get involved? You can support the Robert R. Thalner Endowment Fund or the John Morley Family Endowment for Higgins Lake by sending your donation to RCCF at P.O. Box 824, Roscommon, MI 48653 or visiting our website at to make a donation online.