Endowment for Higgins Lake
Income is used for projects, causes or activities serving to protect, improve, or increase appreciation of the natural environment and clean water of Higgins Lake.
Marguerite Gahagan Nature Preserve General Fund
Income is used to support and maintain the nature preserve and to encourage awareness of the need and value of conserving natural habitats and wildlife.
The John Morley Family, Higgins Lake Endowment Fund
Income is used for projects, activities, or programs serving to protect, improve, or increase appreciation of the natural environment and clean water of Higgins Lake.
Rogers Family Endowment for Houghton Lake
Income is used to support projects, causes, and activities which protect, improve, enhance or increase appreciation for the natural environment and clean water of Houghton Lake and its’ watersheds.
Roscommon County Lakes and Rivers Fund
Income is used for projects, causes or activities serving to protect, improve or increase appreciation of the natural environment and clean water of Roscommon County’s lakes and rivers.
Robert R. Thalner Fund
Income is used for projects, activities or programs serving to protect, improve or increase appreciation of the natural environment and clean water of Higgins Lake.