The Roscommon County Community Foundation is thrilled to announce that the Association to Rescue Kritters (A.R.K) has been awarded a grant of $750.00 to assist with the Shelters/perches/shade cloth project. Funding for this project was provided by the Roscommon County General Fund.
The purpose of this grant is to provide adequate shelter for their education Birds of Prey. The perches will within the cages will provide the animals a “safe haven” within the cages. The shade cloth will offer additional seclusion for the birds as well. By better protecting the animals, the A.R.K. will be able to continue offering educational experiences to the public and offer more safety to the animals.
Want to get involved? You can support Roscommon County General Fund by sending your donation to RCCF at P.O. Box 824, Roscommon, MI 48653 or by making a donation online at